Cambridge Spies

Cambridge Spies
This is a photograph of the 1930 Cambridge College class.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

15. These men all had very influential friends in high places who ranged from upper echelon MI6 agents to Sir Rothschild, whose family is extremely wealthy. Still it is also peculiar that four out of five of the agents defected to Russia between 1956 and 1964. Maclean, Burgess, Philby, and Blunt all defected due to fear of being captured and tortured at the hands of the British government. I find it interesting that with all their connections and money, they still had to turn to the communist country of Russia. Also, all of them were able to live out their lives to a ripe old age and never did any prison time. It is peculiar that six of the most infamous traitors of all time were able to die peacefully and still possessing their enormous fortunes.

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