Cambridge Spies

Cambridge Spies
This is a photograph of the 1930 Cambridge College class.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

 8. In February 1934, Philby married Alice Friedmann, an Austrian communist whom he had met in Vienna. They subsequently moved to England; however, as Philby assumed the role of a fascist sympathiser, they separated. In 1940, he began living with Aileen Furse in London. Their first three children, Josephine, John, and Dudley Thomas, were born between 1941 and 1943. He and Aileen were married on 25 September 1946, while Aileen was pregnant with their fourth child, Miranda. Aileen suffered from psychiatric problems, which grew more severe during the period of poverty and suspicion following the flight of Burgess and Maclean. Weakened by alcoholism and frequent sickness, she died of influenza in December 1957. In 1956, Philby began an affair with Eleanor Brewer, the wife of New York Times correspondent Sam Pope Brewer. Following Eleanor's divorce, the two married in January 1959. After Philby defected to the Soviet Union in 1963, Eleanor visited him in Moscow; in November 1964, following a visit to America, she returned, intending to settle permanently. However, in her absence, Philby had begun an affair with Donald Maclean's wife, Melinda. He and Eleanor divorced, and she departed Moscow in May 1965.Melinda left Maclean, and briefly lived with Philby in Moscow; however, in 1968 she returned to Maclean. In 1971, Philby married Rufina Ivanova Pukhova, a Russo-Polish woman with whom he lived until his death in 1988.

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