Cambridge Spies

Cambridge Spies
This is a photograph of the 1930 Cambridge College class.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

19. From reading this book and conducting further research into these historical instances one fact is for certain, the governments that people trust do not tell the people what is true but rather what they want to hear. If it were know in the U.S. or England, during the 1950's and 1960's, that KGB spies were running unchecked through the government then fear would grip the public. Secret and lies became so entangled that one could no longer differentiate between friend or foe. Many members of government around the world were actually double and triple agents. It seemed that their treachery and greed knew no bounds. The scary and shocking fact is that the KGB had ready and willing agents already deeply undercover as early as the beginning of WWII. The Russians virtually out maneuvered both CIA and MI6 in every aspect. Nobody even suspected these men until almost 1965.

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