Cambridge Spies

Cambridge Spies
This is a photograph of the 1930 Cambridge College class.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

20. All in all, this book and this project have opened my eyes in a new way about how government and espionage have played a huge role in the shaping of the world today. I never truly understood why the Cold War was so infamous and intense without any actual battles fought until this project. The tension surrounding the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the espionage of the time contributed to the molding of today's world. After the fall of communist Russia, the Cold War ended in 1991, but even today the ripples of the Cold War are still felt. More and more secrets will be uncovered and people will be able to look into the hearts of some of the most influential regimes and factions of the century. I am most interested in the what the future will yield in the terms of uncovered secrets and factions that can be attributed to many of today's issues and governmental decisions.

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